
Premium quality Tarana Base Nodes, Remote Nodes, and Accessories are smartly designed to deliver high-performance broadband to homes, businesses, and more at budget-friendly prices. Tarana Remote Nodes and Base Nodes feature up to 800 Mbps aggregate throughput per link, 2.4 Gbps capacity per site, and 250 users per site. With four devices deployed on a site, up to 9.6 Gbps capacity and 1000 clients is achievable. The compact, integrated, low-cost Base Nodes and Remote Nodes have fiber-class reliability, can cancel interference, and are fast to deploy. They have been proven in ample Tier 1 mobile and fixed operator deployments and are perfect for NLoS and nLoS applications. Moreover, we have a complete variety of Tarana Accessories, including bosker quality masts, mounts, tripods, power supplies, splitters, cables, PoEs, jumpers, surge protectors, lightning arrestors, and enclosures. ISP Supplies is a certified distributor of Tarana Wireless, offering a bountiful range of its certified Base Nodes, Remote Nodes, and Accessories at prices that are affordable.

Premium quality Tarana Base Nodes, Remote Nodes, and Accessories are smartly designed to deliver high-performance broadband to homes, businesses, and more at budget-friendly prices. Tarana Remote Nodes and Base Nodes feature up to 800 Mbps aggregate throughput per link, 2.4 Gbps capacity per site, and 250 users per site. With four devices deployed on a site, up to 9.6 Gbps capacity and 1000 clients is achievable. The compact, integrated, low-cost Base Nodes and Remote Nodes have fiber-class reliability, can cancel interference, and are fast to deploy. They have been proven in ample Tier 1 mobile and fixed operator deployments and are perfect for NLoS and nLoS applications. Moreover, we have a complete variety of Tarana Accessories, including bosker quality masts, mounts, tripods, power supplies, splitters, cables, PoEs, jumpers, surge protectors, lightning arrestors, and enclosures. ISP Supplies is a certified distributor of Tarana Wireless, offering a bountiful range of its certified Base Nodes, Remote Nodes, and Accessories at prices that are affordable.